Welcome to Corscombe, Halstock and District parish councils website
The parish consists of the villages of Corscombe, Halstock and East and West Chelborough and their surrounding districts. The parish lies within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) within Dorset.
Notice of Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Halstock Village Hall All are welcome Please contact the Clerk if you would like copies of the appendixes. chparishclek@gmail.com 07595598995
2025 P/PABA/2025/00004 (January 2025) Barn At Grove Farm Closworth Road Halstock Erect General Purpose Farm Building Please note this application is for information only at this point. P/PAEW/2025/00383 (January 2025) Marvell Farm Closworth Road Halstock BA22 9SZ Form a hardstanding area Please note this application is for information only at this point. P/LBC/2025/00083 (January 2025)…
Agenda for the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting commences 7.30pm on the 18th of December 2024 Meeting to be held at Halstock Village Hall. Call for councillors to attend the December Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting. The Public and Press are cordially invited to attend.
Guide to commenting on planning applications We encourage residents to have their say in planning matters and anyone can comment on a planning application. For your comments to be taken into consideration, they must be received before the end of the consultation period. The expiry date for public comments varies for each application and can be…
Full details can be found on the Dorset Council website https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/planning-buildings-land/planning/planning-application-search-and-comment Please follow the on line instructions to view the planning applications and leave comments. P/HOU/2024/06765 Carpenters Cottage East Chelborough Dorchester DT2 0PZ Erect new detached garage barn within rear garden P/LBC/2024/06892 Harvard Farm Closworth Road Halstock BA22 9SZ Installation of a sauna…
There is now a new defibrillator at the Fox Inn. What three word exhaled,shorten.tortises Side wall of Fox Inn This will be the third defibrillator in Corscombe. What three Words – doped.appraised.predict Fudge Hill just before Woodfold view What three Words – rivals.umpires.poorly Highstreet by red phone box . There are also two defibrillators in…
Notice of Parish Council meeting 7.30pm Halstock Village Hall All are welcome Please contact the Clerk if you would like copies of the appendixes. chparishclek@gmail.com 01935 579783
The Parish Council has held three successful events to introduce the Parish Council to the residents of Halstock, Corscombe and East and West Chelborough, which have been well received with useful feedback and suggestions to help the council move forward. Corscombe Fete Corscombe Big Breakfast Halstock Fete If you would like to discuss anything please…
West Chelborough What three Words – birthdays.combining.fairly Halstock What three Words – enthused.pleasing.wobbling On wall of Village Hall What three Words – expert.drive.consults On back outside wall of village shop Corscombe What three Words – doped.appraised.predict Fudge Hill just before Woodfold view What three Words – rivals.umpires.poorly Highstreet by red phone box…
The Parish Council has had two successful stands at Corscombe Village Fete and the July Big Breakfast in Corscombe. General responses included : Lovely to see the Parish Council have a presence in the community. Lovely to see that we are so visible and out meeting people Like the more informal opportunity to chat to…
Smaller authority name: Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION OF UNAUDITED ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN Declaration that the accounting statements are as yet unaudited ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2024 Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015…
Representative councillor(s) Role Rural Transport Roger Hallett Playground Helen Sherwood Speed watch HELO Grant Prior Police Liaison and Home watch David Hallett Richard James John White Hamilton Planning working group New for 2022/2023 Richard James (Halstock) and Henry Lovegrove (Corscombe) Village Hall Deborah Childs Rights of Way Group Non- councillors – see parish meeting minutes…
New approved dates are. Date Venue Time July 29.7.24 Halstock 7.30 pm September 30.9.24 Corscombe 7.30 pm November 25.11.24 Halstock 7.30 pm January 27.1.25 Corscombe 7.30 pm March 31.3.25 Halstock 7.30 pm Parish Annual Council meeting and Parish Council meeting (Corscombe) – 19.5.25
The Parish Council has ratified the adoption of the Power of Competence at the Parish Council Annual meeting held on the 21.5.24. As of the 7th of May 2024 Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council has the ability to have the General Power of Competences as we meet the three conditions for eligibility as set…
Dear All, I am Tessa Safadi and I am your Parish Council Clerk. I have had the opportunity to build a set of transferable core skills in both my teaching (Chemistry) and industrial careers. Living in Corscombe for over 17 years, I have a good understanding of the parish and have been involved in the…
If you would like to read more about the Great Big Dorset Hedge project and how to volunteer go to the Corscombe village website and click on the Green Living button or go to the Halstock Village website. Do use the website as they have lots of current information , events and road closures etc….…
A brief introduction to the role of a Parish Councillor Qualifications To become a Parish Councillor, Section 79(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 requires councillors to be: be at least 18 years old on the day of nomination be a British citizen, or an eligible Commonwealth citizen meet at least one of the following…
Welcome to Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council Below you will find a brief outline of your Parish Council’s democratic process. By understanding what we do, and the limitations placed on us we hope you will better understand the role we play in the community. The parish consists of the villages of Corscombe, Halstock and…
Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council Notice of conclusion of audit Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2023 Sections 20(2) and 25 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234) Notes …
Name of Smaller authority: Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION OF UNAUDITED ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2023 Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234) NOTICE 1. Date of announcement TUESDAY…
Need to contact someone at Dorset Council ? The Parish Council are here to support the community in any way we can but did you know you can report a wide range of issues directly to Dorset Council using their self-service Portal. Fly tipping – https://dorset-self.achieveservice.com/service/DWP-Report-fly-tipping-in-Dorset or ring 01305 221040. Report a problem on roads and pavements e.g. Pot…
The Parish Council has been involved with Friends of the First Responders to install three new defibrillators. Making the total number of defibrillators in the Parish 5. There is now a second defibrillator in Corscombe in the old telephone box. A second defibrillator at Halstock is now at the Village Hall. The third defibrillator is…
Here in Dorset we have an abundance of fingerpost’s and this is certainly the case in our Parish of Corscombe, Halstock and East and West Chelborough, though the state of most of them certainly leaves a lot to be desired. We as a Parish Council are committed to the upkeep and preservation of these iconic…
The Parish Council is looking for any volunteer farmers in the Corscombe, Halstock and Chelborough parishes who would be willing to volunteer to take on salt/grit spreading on icy roads in our area. If you can help please contact the Parish Clerk at chparishclerk@gmail.com or 01935 579783 The Parish Council is willing to purchase a dumper…
There have been numerous reports of livestock being killed or injured in the area. Livestock worrying is when a dog attacks or chases livestock on agricultural land or is at large in a field with sheep, which can result in significant injury or suffering and in the worst cases, death of the animals involved. This…
You can now contact the Clerk on 01935 579783
Dear Member, Ref: DAPTC Star Awards 2021/22—Single Star Recognition! I write to congratulate council on continuing to support the development and training of both elected members and employees. Your commitment to training through DAPTC has propelled you into our ‘Single Star Award’ cate- gory and a select group of parish and town councils—well done! Last…

A village and civil parish in the English county of Dorset, in the Dorset Council administrative area. The parish includes the small settlements of Benville and Toller Whelme to the south.

A village and civil parish in the county of Dorset in southern England, situated approximately five miles (8.0 km) south of Yeovil in Somerset. It lies on the route of the ancient Harrow Way.
West Chelborough

A village and civil parish 13 miles (21 km) north-west of Dorchester, in the Dorset district, in the county of Dorset, England.
East Chelborough

A small village and civil parish 7 miles (11 km) north-east of Beaminster in Dorset, England. On the top of the ridge at the nearby Castle Hill are the earthwork remains of a motte-and-bailey castle.
Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council
The basic responsibility of the Parish Council is to represent the concerns and wishes of the whole community. The range of powers available to Parish Councils, defined by law, continues to increase. Proposals announced by the Government suggest that there will be changes ahead.
All councillors sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and undertake to observe an ethical Code of Conduct when dealing with matters on behalf of the community. Councillors also complete a Register of Interests, a copy of which is held by the Electoral Officer at Dorset Council.
The work of the Parish Council is funded mainly by the Parish Precept. This is a small percentage of the Council Tax collected on each property by Dorset District Council and is passed onto the Parish. Accounts are prepared for each year, checked by the internal auditor and forwarded to be audited nationally.
Parish Council responsibilities include providing and maintaining recreational facilities such as the playground at Corscombe.
The Council comment on planning applications but the decisions are made by Dorset Council.
Parish Councils also need representation at other local government meetings or on local bodies/organisations and Councillors may be asked to serve on certain groups or attend functions on behalf of the Parish Council.
The Parish Council does not have a permanent office nor any full-time staff. The Clerk works from home. Attendance is required at the bi-monthly Parish Council meetings and the annual Parish meeting, usually in April. Contractors are employed to undertake other works including grass cutting and hedge maintenance. Specifications are drawn up and quotations always sought.
Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council is a member of the Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils (DAPTC). Training and support is provided through the Association.