Terms of reference for the PROW Group

The purpose of the Parish Rights of Way Group (PROW) is to consider all aspects of Rights of Way within the parish.

The PROW Group’s function is

  • To advise and make recommendations to the Parish Council over matters relating to the establishment, re-establishment, protection, maintenance, or modification of Parish footpaths, bridleways and byways.
  • Where appropriate, to liaise with and support the work of those with statutory responsibilities for maintaining the Rights of Way network and to support the Parish Council Rights of Way Liaison Officer in their role.
  • To organise working parties to undertake maintenance of the Parish Rights of Way.
  • To consider and undertake projects which will be of benefit to the parish
  • To publicise the Rights of Way network and encourage its use  by local residents and visitors.
  • To liaise with the Parish Council in matters relating to Common Lane as agreed on the winding up of the Friends of Common Lane.

General Rules Governing Working Groups

  • The PROW Group shall decide when they will meet and the location for the meeting.
  • Minutes from PROW meetings must be submitted to the Parish Clerk.
  • The PROW Group shall make recommendations to the Parish Council to assist them in their decision-making.
  • The PROW Group themselves have no authority to take decisions on behalf of the Parish Council unless directed to by the Parish Council
  • Three members need to be present to be quorate.
  • A Parish Councillor will be nominated to work with the PROW Group.
  • If a member of the group has a personal interest, he/she shall declare such interest as soon as it becomes apparent, disclosing the nature and extent of the interest as required.


  • The PROW Group has the authority to undertake specific tasks as approved by the Parish Council.
  • The Group may spend on its activities within the budget agreed by Full Council, including room hire for meetings.

Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council Adopted 25.7.2022


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