Terms and reference for the Staff working Group

  • The staff working group consists of four members, the Chairman and Vice Chairman and two other designated councillors.
  • Three members need to be present to be quorate.
  • Only the above may vote at a meeting. In the case of an equal vote the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
  • If a Member has a personal interest as defined by the Code of Contact adopted by the Parish Council then he/she shall declare such interest as soon as it becomes apparent, disclosing the nature and extent of the interest as required.
    B. If a Member who has declared an interest then considers the interest to be prejudicial, he/she must withdraw from the room during consideration of the agenda item to which the interest relates.
  • Councillors are voted onto the Staff Working Group every year at the Annual Parish Council meeting held in May.
  • All Minutes shall be open for inspection by any member of the Parish Council or public, if appropriate.


  • The Staff Working Group has the authority to undertake specific task as approved by the Parish Council at their meetings.
  • The Staff Working Group has the power to co-opt members of the Parish Council to undertake specific projects as agreed by the Parish Council and dually recorded in the minutes.
  • The Committee may invite anyone to attend its meetings whom it believes may be able to help with any issue under discussion. If the Committee wants professional advice, it may seek it from outside bodies when required.
  • The Committee may spend on its activities within the budget agreed by Full Council.
  • To agree and review annually contracts of employment and job descriptions.
  • To review Clerk/RFO performance, salaries and terms of conditions and make recommendations to the Parish Council.


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