All current documentation for the Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council is held by the Clerk and historical documents are stored at the Dorset Council Records Office. The web site holds the type of information which the Council routinely publishes e.g. minutes and agendas. The information you want may already be included in the publication scheme – so please check the documents on the web site first.

Further information is available on request by members of the public under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), and non-confidential files may be viewed by appointment or sent out. All requests for information should be directed through the Clerk.

The Freedom of Information Act grants to members of the public rights of access to a range of recorded information held by the Parish Council.  Information about the Act is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office at   The Act requires every public body to adopt and maintain a generic model publication scheme.

 The Clerk aims to initially respond to all freedom of Information requests within 5 working days and must comply with your request within 20 days.  If the council does not comply, they must state the reasons why. In some circumstances the Parish Council may need longer to respond to your request, but this should not exceed 40 working days. If you believe the council has not dealt with your request satisfactorily, then you can telephone 0303 123 1113 or write to the Information Commissions Office.

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Please note, the Parish Council is not obliged to respond to vexatious requests, these are requests that are considered likely to cause a disproportionate or unjustifiable level of distress, disruption, or irritation

A log of all Freedom of Information requests will be kept by the Clerk.

Dates and agendas of meetings, lists of councillors and important information are posted on parish notice boards. Notes of major issues from Parish Council meetings are published in the Chimes.

Inquiries about information available from other sources e.g. Dorset Council and the Environment Agency will be redirected to those agencies.

Copies of documents may be requested. These are available at cost plus postage if needed, payable in advance.

Information about the council, council members, meetings, and policies are also available on the Parish Council website

Publication Scheme  (based on ICO model Publication Scheme)

Information to be published How the information can be obtained





Class1 – Who we are and what we do

(Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts)


Parish Council notice boards Parish Council website





Who’s who on the Council and its Committees

List of council members and their responsibilities as well a list of Council Committees


Details of any representation on local public bodies


Parish Council notice boards Parish Council website




Contact details for Parish Clerk and Council members (named contacts where possible with telephone number and email address (if used)) Parish Council notice boards (clerk) Parish Council website
By email from Clerk




Location of main Council office and accessibility detailsN/A – C/O Parish council ClerkN/AStaffing structureN/AN/A

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it




Current and previous financial year

Bank reconciliation

Explanation of variance greater than 15%

List of assets


Parish Council website & notice boards Parish Council minutes
Information also available to public at Parish Council meetings and


available by request to the Clerk


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Annual return form and report by auditor


Parish Council website & notice boards Information also available to public at Parish Council meetings and
available by request to the Clerk



Photo copying costs where appropriate


Finalised budgetParish Council website
Parish Council minutes
Information also available to public at Parish Council meetings and
available by request to the Clerk



Photo copying costs where appropriate


PreceptParish Council website
Parish Council minutes
Information also available to public at Parish Council meetings and
available by request to the Clerk



Photo copying costs where appropriate


Financial Standing Orders and RegulationsParish Council website
Hard copy available on request to the Clerk



Photo copying costs where appropriate


All items of expenditure above £100Parish Council website
Hard copy available on request to the Clerk



Photo copying costs where appropriate


Members allowances and expensesParish Council website
Hard copy available on request to the Clerk


Grants given and receivedParish Council website
Hard copy available on request to the Clerk


List of current contracts awarded and value of contract


Parish Council website
Hard copy available on request to the Clerk



Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

Performance indicators – Audits, inspections and reviews

Current and previous year as a minimum

Parish Council website


NoneAnnual Report to Parish or Community Meeting (current and previous year as a minimum)

Available on request to the Clerk



Class 4 – How we make decisions

(Decision making processes and records of decisions)


Current and previous council year as a minimum


Parish Council website
Parish Council minutes
Parish Council Standing Orders Parish Council financial Regulations


NoneTimetable of meetings (Council and any committee/sub-committee meetings and parish meetings)

Parish Council website & notice boards Parish Council minutes



Agendas of meetings (as above)


Parish Council website

Parish Council notice boards



NoneMinutes of meetings (as above) – n.b. this will exclude information that is properly regarded as confidential.Parish Council minutes, on website and notice boardsNoneReports presented to council meetings – n.b. this will exclude information that is properly regarded as confidential.Parish Council minutes, on website and notice boardsNoneResponses to consultation papersParish Council minutes, on website and notice boardsNoneResponses to planning applicationsParish Council minutes, on website and notice boards
Dorset  Council Planning Dept.



Class 5 – Our policies and procedures

(Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities)


Current information only


Parish Council website and hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Policies and procedures for the conduct of council business:


Standing orders

Term and References for the Staff Working Group, Council and PROW

Code of Conduct 2018

Financial Regulations 2019

Risk assessment


Parish Council website and hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the employment of staff:


Equality and diversity policy

Safe guarding Policy

Vacancies Procedure

Policies and procedures for handling requests for information

Complaints procedures

Grant Award Procedure

Equal opportunities

Councillors expenses


Training policy

Highways Procedure

Clerks contract/job description

Response to planning procedures

Training Policy

Response to Planning applications

Financial Procedures Record

Councillors Expenses Policy

Parish Council website and hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Data Protection and Privacy Notices

Information audit Policy

Parish Council website and Hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Records management policies (records retention, destruction and archive)

Publication notice

Publication Schedule

Parish Council website and Hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate



Social media Policy

Press and Media Policy

Parish Council website and Hard copy


Photo copying costs where appropriate


Class 6 – Lists and Registers


Currently maintained lists and registers only


(hard copy or website; some information may only be available by inspection)
Register of Councillor AttendanceHard copyNoneAssets registerParish Council website and hard copyNoneRegister of members’ interestsDorset County CouncilNone

Class 7 – The services we offer

(Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the public and businesses)


Current information only


(some information may only be available by inspection)



Green Spaces and recreational facilities

(Corscombe playground and outdoor gym)


Maintenance reports onlyNoneSeating, litter bins, Bus Shelters, memorials and lighting

(some information may only be available by inspection)



Additional Information

This will provide Councils with the opportunity to publish information that is not itemised in the lists above



Contact details:

Contact details for the Clerk / RFO are found on the Parish Council’s website

The Clerk can be contacted by email at





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