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The Parish Council has ratified the adoption of the Power of Competence at the Parish Council Annual meeting held on the 21.5.24.

As of the 7th of May 2024 Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council has the ability to have the General Power of Competences as we meet the three conditions for eligibility as set out in the Statute

  1. RESOLUTION: The Council must resolve at a meeting that it meets the criteria for eligibility relating to the electoral mandate and relevant training of the clerk – see agenda for the Annual General Parish Council meeting 21.5.24
  2. ELECTORALMANDATE: At the time the resolution is passed, at least two thirds of the council must hold office as a result of being declared elected (i.e. not co-opted)
  3. QUALIFIEDCLERK: At the time that the resolution is passed, the Clerk must hold a recognised professional qualification e.g. Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)

The Government included a “general power of competence” in the Localism Act 2011(Part 1, Chapter 1, SI 1-8).  The intention of the legislation is that eligible local authorities will no longer have to identify specific powers to undertake an activity. It is stated in the above legislation

“The Government’s intention in providing eligible parish councils with the general power of competency is to better enable them to take on their enhanced role and allow them to do things they have previously been unable to do under existing powers”.