Risk Assessment

Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish council












1  Very unlikely 1  Very Low
2  Possible 2  Low
3  50/50 chance 3  Medium
4  Very likely 4  High
5  Almost certain 5  Very high





Risks Identified

  Risk Identified Management of risk Risk After Controls
TOPIC Likelihood Severity Risk Rating
1.     Invoices Incorrect amount on cheque, made payable to wrong party or portion incomplete or blank cheque. Two signatures required on cheque, each should check detail and initial counterfoil. Blank cheque must never be signed. RFO retains cheque book apart from when with auditor 1 3 3
2.     Bank Statements Finance report does not reconcile with bank statements RFO prepares budget monitoring document on a regular basis which reconciles with accounts ledger and bank statements.


1 1 1
3.     Financial position Council is not fully apprised of the financial situation of the council Budget monitoring and cash position presented to council and recorded in minutes 1 3 3
4.     Budgets Council has not allowed sufficient funds to carry out its duties for the remainder of the financial year Bimonthly budget monitoring indicates budget against actual for period covered by report against forecast against budget for year. Transfer of money from one budget heading to another budget permitted. Such transfer to be done by resolution of council and recorded in the minutes 1 4 4
5.     Precept Council fails to send precept document to District Council which results in no funds being provided by District Council RFO informs Council that an acknowledgement has been received or contacts WDDC


1 4 4
6.     Contracts The Council may not be practicing best value techniques therefore not providing the best service for public funds All contracts to be reviewed on a yearly basis using the principles of best value to award contracts 1 1 1
7.     Staff matters Incorrect expenses claimed, or false claims made Full documentation to be provided. 1 4 4
8.     Salaries and PAYE/NI Salary incorrectly or not paid. PAYE/NI not paid within timeframe set by Inland Revenue resulting in possible penalties to the council Council to ensure that PAYE and NI (where applicable) is being deducted from salary and that payment is being made to HM Revenue & Customs as laid down, by checking monthly statement of PAYE / NI on the employee’s monthly wage notice. 1 1 1
9.     Financial controls Council not carrying out best practice in line with changes to Government financial legislation resulting in failure of audit RFO to review financial control documents and prepare draft changes for council as and when necessary. Financial controls to be reviewed annually. 1 4 4
10.  Urgent expenditure or late payment of accounts Urgent items cannot wait until next council meeting: invoice will result in council being surcharged for late payment or non-delivery of important goods if delayed until next meeting; or immediate repair work is needed. The Clerk has delegated authority up to £300 (as per 11.1(d) in the Financial Regulations adopted in 2011) regarding urgent items. With regards to invoices that would be subject to surcharge or non-delivery if payment were delayed, Clerk may seek payment provided he/she verifies invoice is correct. Matter must be reported to council at next meeting 3 2 6
11.  Insurance Council does not have adequate insurance to cover assets and liabilities, or asset is not covered by insurance. This could result in financial loss or council being sued without adequate insurance protection Clerk to bring to attention of council need to insure new assets. Insurance cover to be reviewed annually prior to renewal date of policy, following review of risks, risk management policy and the asset register. 1 4 4
12.  Cover for work undertaken by contractors Risk of injury by persons undertaking work and all other activities on a voluntary basis (such as road / playing field inspection, playground maintenance, litter picking) on behalf of the Parish Council


Clerk to carryout risk assessment and report findings to council.

Volunteers to be suitably trained/instructed for the task and appropriate equipment provided.

2 3 6
13.  Cover for work undertaken by contractors Council receives a claim for injury or damage to property caused, or alleged to have been caused, by a contractor working on behalf of the parish council The council must ensure before employing any contractor that the contractor has in place Public Liability insurance with a limit of indemnity of not less than £5,000,000. 2 3 6
14.  Personal Safety of staff / councillors Clerk or other council member is attacked or assaulted by member of the public asserting their rights under Data Protection, Government Regulations or Freedom of Information Act Visits by appointment only with another member of the council or other person present  



4 4
15.  Display Screen Equipment Regulations Clerk receives repetitive strain injury or other injury as a result of poor workstation practice and not observing the Display Screen Regulations Clerk to undertake a risk Assessment of his/her workstation and report any problems to council  



4 4
16.  Council unable to meet at Village Halls All meetings of the council are held at the village halls. Should a hall suffer damage due to fire, storm or vandalism, or during repair work, this location may not be available The Council to book alternative e.g., Halstock community room, St Mary’s church Corscombe. 1 4 4
17.  Declaration of Interests Failure to disclose interests may harm individual councillors and / or bring the Council into disrepute. Councillors declare interests in items on agendas. Updating:

any changes to be made on the official form, which is sent to the WDDC Monitoring Officer and a copy retained by the Clerk.

1 4 4
18.  Data Protection Breach of data A copy of the General Data Protection Regulation Policywill be available on the Council’s website. The policy will be considered as a core policy for the Council.

The Clerk’s Contract and Job Description (if appointed as DPO) will be amended to include additional responsibilities relating to data protection.

An information audit will be conducted and reviewed at least annually or when projects and services change.

Privacy notices must be issued.

Data Protection will be included on the Council’s Risk Assessment.


2 2 4
19.  Urgent items are required to be dealt with that require action or a reply before the next scheduled council meeting The Council meets on a bimonthly basis. There may be occasions when items need to be dealt with before the next scheduled meeting. Failure to meet would result in the council possibly not being able to consult on an item, or, possibly, in extreme cases legal action being taken Extra meetings may be called, if deemed necessary, by the Chairman. 2 2 4
20.  Complying with changes in legislation The council fails to keep up to date with changes in legislation or policy resulting in action being taken against it The Clerk will endeavour to keep up to date with appropriate changes in legislation and procedures. The council will use the professional services of DAPTC and SLCC to obtain maximum understanding of changes. Councillors and Clerk will attend applicable training events. 1 4 4

21.  Playground

Risk of injury to users due to damaged playing equipment or items left on site Inspections are undertaken on the frequency laid down by ROSPA and recorded. Action is taken where necessary. Annual inspection by ROSPA is acted on as soon as possible.

Persons undertaking inspections are adequately trained.

Playground is inspected bimonthly, and an inspection report provided.  Maintenance of playground equipment is contracted out to specialist company.

2 3 6
22.  Bus Shelter Risk of injury to users due to damaged structure. Inspections to be regularly carried out and remedial work done.


2 4 6
23.  Playground / Bus Shelter Council is under insured to deal with litigation for claim from Playground/ Bus Shelter user Council to review Public Liability Insurance on an annual basis to ensure there is adequate protection for a claim. 2 3 6
24.  Infectious disease Playground/Gym – Social distancing and contamination of equipment are the key risks.  Note: the likely hood of risk identified has considered the lay-out of our playground and typical number of users as well as the fact that this activity is outside. These facilities will be closed if required to follow government guidelines.


Meetings will be undertaken either face to face or remotely following Government guidelines.


Council to place infectious disease notices at the entrance to playground/outdoor gym and in the Chimes to ensure the public is aware of infection protocols.

Meetings are to be conducted in such a way as to minimise risk.

All government guidelines at the time will be followed.

1 5 5

26 March 2012 Register of assets and risk assessment were approved by Council (agenda item 9)

25 March 2013 Register of assets and risk assessment were approved by Council (agenda item 9)

31 March 2014         approved

30 March 2015         approved

28th March 2016       approved

27th March 2017       approved

26th March 2018       approved

25th March 2019       approved

30th March 2020       approved

25th January 2021   approved

28th March 2022       approved with amendment to item 24.



1.  If possible, avoid the risk altogether

  Having reviewed the hazards and risks, I believe that if the control measures identified are applied the Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council will, so far as is reasonably practicable, have met the requirements of this assessment.
2.  Where possible combat risk at source  
3.  Give priority to measures which protect the whole workplace   Assessor Signature:  


4.  Wherever possible, adapt work to the individual   Assessor Name:  
5.  Take advantage of technological & technical progress   Date of Assessment:  


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