Parish councils have a range of powers and duties. One of these powers and duties relates to Highways.
Power to maintain footpaths and bridle-ways
Power to light roads and public places
Provision of litter bins
Powers to provide parking places for bicycles and motor-cycles, and other vehicles
Power to enter into agreement as to dedication and widening
Power to provide roadside seats and shelters
Consent of parish council required for ending maintenance of highway at public expense, or for stopping up or diversion of highway
Power to complain to highway authority as to unlawful stopping up or obstruction of highway or unlawful encroachment on roadside wastes
Power to provide traffic signs and other objects or devices warning of danger
Power to plant trees and lay out grass verges etc. and to maintain them
Power to complain to local highway authority that a highway is unlawfully stopped up or obstructed
Power to prosecute for unlawful ploughing of a footpath or bridleway
Highways Act 1980, ss.43,50
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.3; Highways Act 1980, s.301
Litter Act 1983, ss.5,6
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, ss.57,63
Highways Act 1980, ss.30,72
Parish Councils Act 1957, s.1
Highways Act 1980, ss.47,116
Highways Act 1980, s.130
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.72
Highways Act 1980, s.96
We also work with Dorset Councils on road maintenance and improvement issues and help to disseminate information to our parish through our website, notice boards and Facebook.
If any member of the public wishes to raise a concern about a highways issue they should contact the Parish Clerk, if this is a matter which we have no authority over we can direct you to the relevant department at Dorset Council.
Sub committees may be set up to look at how best to address specific concerns raised by the public such as speeding.