Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council 7.30pm on Tuesday 31stJanuary 2023

Meeting held at Corscombe Village Hall.  Chairman Cllr. Lovegrove.

Councillors present: Elizabeth Southern (ES), Roger Hallett (RH), Nigel Clarke (NC), Richard James (RJ), Henry Lovegrove (HL), Deborah Childs (DCh), David Hallett (DH), David Clary (DC), Debbie Rix (DR) and Jez Hodesdon (JH)

3 members of the public were present

Public period for comments on issues on the agenda

The Parish Council was thanked for their quick response to a Freedom of information request and the very clear effort going into supporting rural issues.  The council was asked if their efforts could be more widely publicised and if the Parish Council would consider taking  on a  more active leadership role in driving a rural response to rural affairs, rather than being directed from central government.

 Reports from Dorset Council Councillor

High levels of nutrient in freshwater habitats increases algae growth. Nutrients come from  sources  such as agricultural practices and from point sources such as sewerage works discharge. An overall reduction in nutrients is therefore needed . Development must not make the situation worse…..this is the advice from Natural England.

New development needs to ensure there is no additional nutrient load on habitat sites-known as nutrient neutrality . Nutrient Neutrality applies to development where there is an increase in overnight  stay .

Mitigation can be achieved through tree planting along river edges. sewage treatment works upgrade, wetland construction…but often this is a high cost.

Proposed amendments to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill will require upgrades to waste water treatment works by 2030- a statutory duty to be placed on water and sewage companies. There will also be a strategic mitigation scheme across the country to deliver mitigation in catchments – but these projects are at an early stage .

In the future we hope to work with Natural England and develop a mitigation strategy which will enable developers to deliver their own mitigation as part of their development proposals or for them to pay Dorset Council to deliver mitigation.

Note – New Revised Dorset Plan – contact planning team B for an update.  The Parish Council want to reiterate its support for Dorset Councils decision to re visit  the Dorset plan.

Reports from Police Liaison

On the 14th of December, there was a report of a burglary in Halstock, with a potential offender being seen to leave the property.  Enquiries discovered that there had appeared to have been a fire lit in the property and nothing was stolen or damaged, other than a window to gain entry.  It would appear that this was someone keeping warm from the cold weather.  The Police Liaison officer will be at Halstock Community Room on Thursday 9th February, at 1030 for the monthly engagement,

 1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.

Apologies from Cllr. John white Hamilton and Cllr. Prior.

No declarations of interest.

 2. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th November 2022 (A).

Resolution approved. Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Clarke. Approved 10/10

 3. To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.


 4. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (B) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (C)

Resolution – noted and approved  – amendment requested to include VAT column on the schedule of payments.

Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Hodesdon.  Approved 10/10

 5. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal) TS/RH

No main issues noted for the playground, mole hills may be an issue for mowing. Small repairs will be undertaken by working party and maintenance by RW.  The PC will need to look at investing in some new equipment in the future.  Ring fenced money is available for this.

No issues with the January inspection of the Outside gym equipment.

It was agreed that Cllr Lovegrove would set up a working party to remove fence and tidy up playground area and liaise with RW regarding maintenance.

 6. To approve new policy documents. Sent separately to councillors.

6.1 Privacy Policy

6.2 Publication schedule update

6.3 Information audit

Resolution to adopt All three new Policy documents- Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Clary.  Approved 10/10

Note It was previously approved that all Parish Council Policies and documents will be reviewed yearly at the May Annual Parish Council meeting.

7. Highways and Rights of Way

7.1 Update on fingerpost repairs and grants –  (verbal) NC

Cllr. Clarkes verbal report was noted. The quiet Woman Sign is almost completed.  The roundel will be placed in the next week or so.  A window display at the Halstock shop will highlight the work being undertaken to repair fingerpost signs in the parish. Work will then start on the fingerpost outside the Halstock Village Hall.

8. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (D) TS/Planning group

8.1  Unauthorised dwellings update (Verbal) TS/Planning group

8.1.1 The issue of a lack of response from planning enforcement was again raised as a concern.  Concern also raised over lack of notification of case closure regard of the habitation of the animal shelter at Land at Grid Ref 354111 107689 Nr. Quiet Woman Public House to Portland Farm – enforcement case EN/2022/00055 which was recently closed without notification.

Action: Clerk to write a letter to the enforcement officer and head of planning at Dorset Council  outlining our concerns regarding lack of communication and the pace by which cases are processed and action taken.

Proposed Cllr. James, seconded Cllr. Clary.  Approved 10/10

Action – councillors asked to send information of any further unauthorised dwelling to the Clerk. They will then be reported to enforcement.

8.1.2 The issue of the Magpie Auctions was also raised regarding the traffic/parking, roadside advertising, and roadside rubbish.

Action; Clerk to write to Dorset Council to confirm if the Magpie auctions are authorised and to Somerset Council regarding roadside advertising and rubbish.

Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Hodesdon.  Approved 10/10

 8.2 Nutrient Neutrality update (Verbal) MP

See presentation given at the start of the meeting.  The impact Nutrient Neutrality has on planning applications will need to be assessed on each individual application and would best be answered by planning directly.

Additional point raised – request that Dorset Council planning decision is recorded with the planning record.  Agreed.

9. To receive and note training updates (Verbal) TS

Members complimented the Clerk on her expecting to complete CILCA training at the end of March. Councillors were encouraged to look out for training opportunities during the year.

 10. Green Pond update (Verbal) JH

Cllr Hodesdon will set up a working party to clear the pond.  The move towards taking ownership of the pond is ongoing.

 11. To note update on defibrillator progress TS


Defibrillator box has been purchased for the new Corscombe defibrillator.

Defibrillator and box have been purchased for the second Halstock site at the village hall.

Action – Clerk to add these to the Parish Councils assets register.

A further defibrillator will be placed in West Chelborough in the next few months.

Friends of the First Responders are arranging installation.

At this time maintenance checks will be carried out by Friends of First responders.

12. Icy Roads and Salt bins update (Verbal) TS

The issue of the recent icy roads was discussed.  The Clerk has asked for 12 salt boxes in the parish to be refilled.

Action: Clerk to place an article in the May addition of the Chimes to thank volunteers who have spread salt and to inform parishioners on how best to use the salt as well as a statement notify parishioners that the salt is for public use on roads not private use.

There has been a request for a further 4 salt boxes to be placed.  These will be ordered once the parish council obtains permission from Dorset Council Highways.  Resolution to obtain permission from Dorset Council and purchase 4 new salt bins. Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. R Hallett.  Approved 10/10

Jumbo bags of salt for farmers willing to spread salt.  Request to be placed on face book.  Clerk to coordinate feedback from Councillors lead.

Proposed Cllr.  Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Clarke. Approved 10/10

The recent accident that took out the stone salt bin by Corscombe Village Hall was also discussed.

Action – The Clerk to look at the cost of replacing the salt bin, like for like, and will contact the Parish Clerk insurers to report the damage.  The Parish Council is looking at claiming for the replacement salt bin from the driver of the vehicle and the police have been informed of the incident and we have a crime reference number.

 13. Correspondence to be discussed and noted.

13.1 River Portland obstruction update (Verbal) TS

No further response back from Dorset Council Flood Risk Manager regarding tracking down and contacting owners. Clerk will wait for further information from councillors of possible landowner details to pass onto the flood risk manager regarding the obstructed water course.

Action – Clerk to notify Wessex Water of the Parish Council’s concerns regarding flooding up or down river due to the obstructed water course.

Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Clarke. Approved 10/10

 14. Climate and Ecology emergency action to be noted

 14.1 Update on environmental initiatives. (Verbal) HL and DCh

Tree planting scheme is underway (email Cllr. Childs if you want trees). Details are in the Chimes. A £1 donation to Beaminster Area Eco Group is requested for each tree.

The Great Big Dorset Hedge survey is underway and Cllr. Childs has undergone training.  More volunteers are always required to undertake surveying of hedges in the parish.  To date the Brit Valley trail, Jubilee trail and Wessex Ridgeway are being surveyed.

Cllr. Lovegrove declared an interest in this matter as he is the treasurer for the Dorset Action Climate Network.  Councillors would consider any request from  Dorset Action Climate Network for £250 towards costs.

The decision will be postponed until the March Parish Council meeting as it was not included in the agenda for this meeting.

 15. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.

Coronation – it was agreed that the Parish Council would donate up to £500 in total towards coronation activities held over the period 6th to 8th May2023.  Any organisation within Corscombe, Halstock and East and West Chelborough can bid for money.  The Parish Council will approve donations at the March Parish council meeting.

Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Clary.  Approved 10/10

MP Chris Loder has requested an opportunity to come and speak to parishioners at the Annual Corscombe Parish meeting proposed for the 12th May 2023.

Priority Services register request for a meeting to discuss electricity disruption welfare options. Clerk to arrange a meeting date with Scottish and Southern Electricity.  The parish council agreed to fund cost of hall hire.  Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove and seconded Cllr. Hodesdon.  Approved 10/10.

 16. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be Monday the 27th of March 2023 at Halstock Village Hall.

 The meeting was closed at 9.35pm

A copy of appendices can be obtained from the Clerk and can be found on the Parish Council website


Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783                      



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