Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

 Minutes Parish Council meeting 30th May 2023

Meeting held at Corscombe Village Hall. 8 pm following the Parish Council Annual General Meeting


Chairman Cllr. Roger Hallett

Councillors present: Elizabeth Southern (ES), Roger Hallett (RH), Deborah Childs (DCh), David Hallett (DH), David Clary (DC), Debbie Rix (DR), Grant Prior (GP) and Jez Hodesdon (JH)

3 members of the public were present.

Public period for comments on issues on the agenda


Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison


  1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.

Apologies from Cllr. Clarke, Cllr. James. Cllr. Lovegrove, Cllr. White-Hamilton  and Cllr. Penfold.

Declaration of interest re planning from Cllr. D. Hallett


  1. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27th March 2023 (A).

Proposed Cllr. R Hallett, seconded Cllr. Rix Approved 8/8


  1. To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.



  1. To agree the council’s response to the report of the internal auditor (B)

Response agreed.

Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. R Hallett Approved 8/8


  1. To approve the 2022/2023 governance statement Section 1 AGAR form 3 (C)


Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. R  Hallett Approved 8/8

  1. To approve the 2022/2023 Accounting statement Section 2 AGAR form 3 (D)


Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Clary Approved 8/8

Action: Clerk to send completed AGAR forms to external Auditors.


  1. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (E) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (F)

Bank reconciliation noted – Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Clary Approved 8/8

Scheduled payments approved – Proposed Cllr. Clary, seconded Cllr. Prior Approved 8/8


  1. To approve the Clerks annual subscription to SLCC

Following the Clerks successful completion of the CILCA course.  The Clerk would like to apply for full membership of SLCC – cost £120.  The Clerk will also attend the planning virtual summit in July £60.

Approved. Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Southern Approved 8/8


  1. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal) TS/RH2


9.1 To note ROSPA playground Maintenance report and required remedial work required

Noted.  Remedial work noted in the report to be carried out. Approved 8/8

Action Clerk to arrange for work to be completed by Roger Whittington.

It was agreed that the council should look at replacing some/all of the playground equipment in the near future.

Action: Clerk to investigate costs for new equipment and liaise with Cllr. Southern.

The option to set up a Halstock playground was also proposed but it was noted that finding a suitable location has always been a problem.


  1. To note key issues raised at the Corscombe and Halstock Parish meetings.

Noted. Please see the Draft Minutes from the Halstock and Corscombe Parish meetings. (Copies available on request or can be found on the Parish Council website

Note presentation to Halstock Parish Meeting by Wessex Water and the meeting with MP Chris Loder at the Corscombe Parish Meeting.


  1. Highways and Rights of Way

 11.1 To note delay in payment for gates. (Verbal) TS


Action: Clerk to chase Dorset Council Rangers for invoice.

11.2 Damage to salt bin update   (Verbal) TS

Proposal to replace damaged stone bin with plastic salt bin.

Given that the Parish Council has received compensation from the insurers for the bin replacement ‘like for like’ and insufficient support for a plastic bin replacement it was decided not to approve the replacement of the salt bin with a plastic bin.

The clerk has tried 6 builders to repair the damaged salt bin ‘like for like’.  Only two quotes have been received.  The lowest quote for £500 has been approved.  This is in line with our financial regulations 11h “where the value is below [£3,000] and above [£100] the Clerk or RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates.”

Approved 8/8

Action: Clerk to arrange for work on the replacement salt bin to be started.


  1. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (G) TS

 12.1 Unauthorised dwellings update (verbal) TS/RJ


Enforcement still an issue and concern over policy to request retrospective planning permission applications to be filed. Lack of any progress seen when retrospective planning is then refused.

Concern over failure to respond to request from enforcement for statistical data on enforcement prosecution etc.

Action: Clerk to request for information again and if not forth coming to put in a Freedom of information Request.


  1. To receive and note training update (Verbal) TS

Councillors are encouraged to look at the DAPTC and identify any training they would like to attend.  The new chairman Cllr. James to attend DAPTC training events on planning and Changing Chairs.

Noted, Clerk now has gained her CILCA qualification.


  1. Correspondence to be discussed and noted. (Verbal) TS


14.1 Request for Dog Poo bin in Halstock

This issue has been looked at previously and the Councils position has not changed.  We follow Dorset Councils advice and ask dog owners to take the poo home.  It can be disposed of at home in the black bin.

14.2 Fly tipping information request

Statistics have been received from Dorset Council regarding fly tipping. We would like to thank them for their prompt reply to our request regarding this one aspect of their departments remit.  The council was pleased to see the range of initiatives being undertaken to address this problem and noted that fly tipping debris was quickly  removed once reported.   However, we were surprised by the low number of prosecutions and fixed penalty notices delivered given the number of incidences reported.  For example; 2022/2023 1659 incidences reported, 330 investigations undertaken, 192 received written warnings, 18 a fixed penalty notice and 1 prosecution.

14.3 Campaign to make the current Dorset Council 20mph speed policy fit for purpose.

The Parish Council would like both Corscombe and Halstock to become 20mph zones and will explore this further.

The request received relates to ‘A’ roads which we do not have.  We feel we cannot support Fontmell Magna Parish Councils campaigned to make the DC 20mph speed limit policy fit for purpose in respect to ‘A’ roads.

14.4 Royal Mail update

No update. An apology for disruption was received and that they are working to improve the situation.  They have now closed the case raised by the PC.  However, it is noted that some areas in both Halstock and Corscombe are still receiving a patchy service.

Action: Situation to be monitored.


  1. Climate and Ecology emergency action to be noted

Concern raised over planning application WD/D/20/001239, refused.  The  removal  of established orchard trees for the unconsented development have not been replaced and no effort appears to have taken place to restore the AONB back to its original state.

Dorset Hedge Survey is still on-going.  More volunteers would be ideal.

Heat sensors were discussed as a way to help residents address climate change.  The Parish Council will look at possible projects to address this issue.


  1. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.



  1. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be the 31st of July 2023 at Halstock Village Hall.



The meeting closed at 9.15pm

 Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783      



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