Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council
Draft minutes for the Parish Council meeting
commences 7.30pm on 29th July 2024
Meeting was held at Halstock Village Hall.
Councillors present: Richard James (RJ). Henry Lovegrove (HL), Nigel Clarke (NC), Roger Hallett (RH), Grant Prior (GP), Helen Sherwood (HS), Garry Arnold (GG), Richard Fry (RF) and Mark Caddick (MC)
8 members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 7.30pm and was chaired by the chairman Cllr. James.
Meeting to be held at Halstock Village Hall.
- To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.
Apologies from Cllr. Deborah Childs, Cllr. David Hallett, Cllr. John White Hamilton
Declarations of interest from Cllr. Arnold re planning application P/FUL/2023/04018
- To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21st May 2024 (A)
Proposed by Cllr. Lovegrove and seconded by Cllr. Arnold. Approved 8/9
- To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council Annual meeting held on 21st May 2024 (B)
Proposed by Cllr. Lovegrove and seconded by Cllr. Caddick. Approved 8/9
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.
Notice board outside village shop tenders for repair have been requested for one supplier . Councillors were asked to suggest a further two. Action Cllr. James to follow up.
Public period for comments on issues on the agenda
Comments regarding planning application P/FUL/2023/04018 – concern that land is essentially being used as a scrap dealership. Fires burning scrap. Noise. Damage to area of outstanding natural beauty. Concern over the condition and welfare of animals held on his land. Residents asked to ensure they make sure their comments regarding this application go on-line. See councillors comments under Item 10.
Issue raised over greater need for councillors to become more prominent and active in the community. Councillors reminded to send pictures and brief summary to the Clerk. Clerk will also have a stand at the Halstock Fete following the success of the Corscombe Fete and Big Breakfast stands.
Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison
Apologies from our new Dorset County Councillor Chris Kippax he was unable to attend the meeting but will attend the meeting on the 30th September.
Police Liaison
There has been a report of a car purchasing scam where males have attended an address in Halstock, to view a car that was for sale. Whilst the seller was distracted, two of the males that attended to view the vehicle have put oil on the engine and into the water tank, then tried to purchase the vehicle at a much lower price. The seller was aware to what had happened, so asked them to leave. If anyone is considering selling a vehicle privately, please be aware of this type of incident. It might be a good idea to get the vehicle reviewed or serviced by a reputable mechanic to give an idea of what issues there may be before selling.
Dorset Allert – Cllr. Prior is our registered point of contact, however it is open for anyone to sign up to this service.
- To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (C) and to
approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (D)
Statement of expenditure Proposed by Cllr. Lovegrove and seconded by Cllr. Prior. Approved 9/9
Scheduled payments Proposed by Cllr. Hallett and seconded by Cllr. Arnold. Approved 9/9
Bank authorisers are now Cllr. Caddick, Cllr. Clarke Cllr. R Hallett and Cllr. Prior.
The Clerk and Cllr. Lovegrove can raise payments.
- Scribe accounting software update (Verbal)
The Clerk has found that the Parish Council needs greater flexibility with scribe and has asked the Parish Council to approve a move from the Lite (£12 excluding vat) to Professional package (£15 excluding vat), an increase of £3 a month. Approved 9/9
- To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal)
The July survey of the Corscombe playground and outdoor gym highlighted several areas that need to be actioned. It was agreed 9/9 that Mr Whittingham would be asked to undertake the work and remove unit 4 if needed.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Roger Whittingham.
The new Playground sign was noted and the Parish Council agreed 9/9 that a similar sign for the Outdoor gym be commissioned. Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. Rogers
Action – Clerk to arrange.
7.1 To note correction to basket swing height.
7.2 Update on Halstock playground options
No update at this time. This will be relooked at, at the September Parish council meeting.
- Highways and Rights of Way updates (verbal)
8.1 Halstock speeding report – (E)
Following Mr Hill’s presentation from Speed Watch it was agreed that the Parish Council would fund the initial stage of the work to assess traffic count via a Radar Speed Data survey A resolution to approve an initial £500 to cover costs of this state was proposed by Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded by Cllr. Clarke and approved 9/9.
Action: Clerk to make contact with other parishes who have SIDS regarding possibility of sharing SIDS in the future.
Other – The Clerk has been asked to contact Somerset Council to see if she can have access to road closures. This would allow residents in Halstock to be kept informed of any road closures of the Somerset section of the Yeovil Road that would also affect them directly.
Clerk has raised issues of potholes on road down to Beaminster at Beaminster down with highways.
- Finger post update (verbal)
Work on the historic Red Fingerpost is underway and will cost a similar value as that of the Quiet Woman fingerpost.
The Parish Council reconfirmed its commitment to this restoration and approved £1250 to complete its restoration. Costs will fall under devolved service.
Proposed Cllr. Sherwood, seconded Cllr. Hallett approved 9/9
Cllr. Clarke was thanked for all his work on the restoration of the finger posts. Cllr. Clarke agreed to update his initial survey (photo, what three words etc) and identify those fingerposts that need repair. Millage costs will be payable. Approved 9/9 Costs will fall under devolved service.
Action: Cllr. Clarke to expand the initial Survey carried out.
Given the time necessary to restore fingerposts on a voluntary basis it was proposed that the Clerk look at the cost of repair of the finger posts identifying possible options. Contact with the Milestone Society was suggested as an initial starting point.
Action: Clerk to identify and cost repair work and put out to tender. Approved 9/9
- To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (F)
Planning application P/FUL/2023/04018 was discussed and a decision to object to this planning application was made. Approved 9/9.
- It does not reflect what has been installed on the site.
- It undermines the natural beauty of the Dorset National Landscape (DNL), formally AONB.
- Disposal of waste could present a contamination risk.
- The site as constructed would cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area, and the natural beauty of the DNL.
We would encourage Dorset Planners to visit the site and judge for themselves the unacceptable nature of this development.
Also see comments made under public period for comments.
10.1 Enforcement update (verbal)
Still awaiting response from enforcement re issue raised concerning ongoing Magpie auctions at Dodge City.
Action: Clerk to follow up with enforcement and raise the issue with our Dorset Councillor Chris Kippax
10.2 Building Mill Cross
Following the Clerk raising the issue with Dorset Council, they have asked the resident that raised the initial query to raise it with them directly.
- To receive and note training update and agree training for new councillors (Verbal)
Basic Introduction to planning has been completed for Cllr. Caddick and Cllr. Sherwood.
New councillor essentials has been completed for Cllr. Sherwood, Cllr. Caddick and Cllr. Arnold.
All councillors were asked to let the Clerk know if there are any course they would like to attend.
- Feed back from DAPTC Western area meeting (Verbal)
Potholes were an ongoing issue as was planning. The main focus was on flooding issues either from runoff, rivers or sea. Main issue was the fact that many residents did not wish to report flooding in case it impacted their insurance. Full minutes to follow once they have been sent to the Clerk,
Action : Clerk to follow up with Corscombe Village Hall re location for sandbag storage.
- Feedback from Parish Council stand at Corscombe Village fete and Big Breakfast (G)
Noted. Points raised will be addressed in time. Potholes have been reported to Highways. A Defibrillator map will be created by the Clerk.
The clerk plans to have a stand at the Halstock Fete.
- Correspondence to be discussed and noted. (Verbal)
14.1 Lithium batteries Bill – update
The private members bill will go to the House of Commons Ballot for Bills on the 5th September.
14.2 To note Old Parish Council Computer disposal
Has been wiped and will go to charity.
- Climate and Ecology emergency action to be noted
15.1 Onshore wind Farms (H)
Following a change in Government policy regarding onshore wind farms the Parish Council was asked if it would consider supporting onshore wind turbines. The council felt it needed more information before making a full commitment but did support an initial move to look at land in the parishes that could be used, with consent of landowners. Enquiries to be reported to Cllr. Lovegrove.
To also note that Dorset Council has declared a Nature Emergency which is part of a redefining of the ecology section of the Climate emergency it has declared earlier.
- To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.
- Date of next Parish Council meeting will be the 30th of September 2024 at Corscombe Village Hall.
- Resolution to exclude members of public for item 19 due to confidentiality
Agreed 9/9
- Clerks Hours of work, confidential (I)
Proposed move of the Clerk from a zero hours contract to a contract based on 7 hours a week, to start from the 1st July. Proposed Cllr. Lovegrove, seconded Cllr. James approved 9/9
Clerk to continue to produce a monthly expenses form and timesheet.
The meeting ended at 7.45pm
Copies of appendices A to H can be obtained from the Clerk
Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783