Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

Minutes for the Parish Council meeting 7.30pm on
26th September 2023

 Meeting held at Corscombe Village Hall.

 Councillors present: Elizabeth Southern (ES), Roger Hallett (RH), Deborah Childs (DCh),), David Clary (DC), Richard James (RJ). Henry Lovegrove (HL), Nigel Clarke (NC), Debbie Rix (DR) and John White-Hamilton (JWH)

4 members of the public were present.

The meeting started at 7.30pm and was chaired by the chairman Cllr. James.

  1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.

Apologies received from Cllr. D. Hallett, Cllr. Prior and Cllr. Hodesdon. Apologies from Dorset Councillor Penfold.  No declarations of interest.

  1. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 31st July 2023 (A)

Approved with minor amendments to item 8.4 and item 9.

Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Lovegrove

Approved 7/9

  1. To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.

Request for Dorset Council planning to attend a parish council meeting to discuss enforcement issues was refused and the Parish Council was directed to Dorset Council’s planning sessions as a way to raise any issues.  Action: Clerk to follow up and register the Parish Council’s disappointment at their decision.

Public period for comments on issues on the agenda

Resident thanked the Parish Council for their work on the playground.  The relevance of the wording on the playground signage regarding the specified age and height was queried.  Unfortunately, the wording used is required.

A question regarding the numbers using the playground and outdoor gym was raised.  Cllr. Southern assured the resident that the application for a grant would be based on a survey along with all relevant documents and that work would be undertaken to ensure value for money to Corscombe residents.  Also see item 7.1

Traffic levels and state of Closworth Road.  Also see item 8.2

A resident raised concern over the speed and volume of traffic using Closworth Road as well as an issue regarding the general condition of the road.  A letter sent to Dorset Council and MP Chris Loder has also been copied to the Parish Council.

Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison

Report from Cllr. Penfold

  • Housing Strategy survey will end on the 2nd of October.
  • Round 4 of the Housing support fund is open.

Police Liaison

  • Nothing to report of concern.
  • Police liaison meeting in the Community Room Halstock Shop Thursday 12th of October at 10.30am.
  1. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (B) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (C)

Note – Scheduled payments net since 9.7.23 £ 2041.51 (correction made to appendix C)

Statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation

 Proposed Cllr. Henry, seconded Cllr. Rix.  Noted 9/9

Schedule of payments

Proposed Cllr. Clary, seconded Cllr. Southern, Approved 9/9

  1. To note change of Key Contact for Unity Trust Bank to Clerk.

The key contact for the Unity Trust Bank has changed to the Clerk’s name and address and this will now appear on the bank statements. Noted and approved 9/9

Issue with bank authorisation was discussed as Cllr. Prior is not always available which causes a problem if authorisers are away.  Action: see if Cllr. Lovegrove can act to authorise payments and discuss with Cllr. Prior if he still wishes to remain a bank authoriser.

  1. Budget update

It was agreed that the staff working group will be responsible for setting out the draft budget for 2024-2025 and proposing the precept for 2024.  Budget to be presented for approval at the November Parish Council meeting.  Cllr. Lovegrove to coordinate.

Councillors were asked to send in any budget requests.

Approved 9/9

  1. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal)

Playground maintenance noted no areas of major concern.  Any issues raised will be addressed in the proposed update of the playground.

7.1 Staff working group report on the proposal for the update of the Corscombe playground. (D)

  • To endorse the renovation works outlined at Appendix A, including the purchase of a football goal net

Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Clarke.  Approved 9/9

  • To delegate powers to the Corscombe Working Group (Staff working Group + Roger Whittingham) to negotiate with the above suppliers and ultimately to select a preferred supplier.

Proposed Cllr. Rix, seconded Cllr. Clary.  Approved 9/9

  1. Highways and Rights of Way

 8.1 Update on request to Dorset Council re speed signage at Mill Corner Corscombe

Highways have visited the site and are looking at options.

8.2 Heavy Traffic along Closworth Road – to note residents’ letter to Highways

It was suggested that residents along Closworth Road collect data and photographic evidence.  The Parish Council will support residents’ approach to Dorset Highways.

Regarding the state of Closworth Road, the council suggested that residents report potholes to Dorset Council directly with clear photographic evidence.

Action: Clerk to send highways link.

  1. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (E)


9.1 Enforcement update (verbal)


9.2 To note residents’ development concerns

Noted residents concern at Fox Meadow.

  1. To receive and note training update (Verbal)

Completion of New Chair training by Cllr. James (Chairman)

Attendance at the Clerks Conference on the 28th September.  The Clerk will forward relevant information to councillors along with important election information.

  1. PC computer update and to ratify approved expenditure agreed under point 13 of the minutes of the 31st  of July 2023 (verbal)

The Clerk made the decision to proceed with a computer from Del Bidair this was a comparable spec and price to similar computers quoted at Curry’s.  Computer cost was £442.40 net.  Staff working group approved purchase decision.

Decision ratified 9/9

  1. Correspondence to be discussed and noted. (Verbal)

Offer by Halstock England to purchase grit bins for Halstock.  The Council thanks Halstock England for their kind offer. Action: Clerk to follow up on the offer.  Councillors asked to put forward possible locations.

  1. Audit update

The Parish Council has passed its external Audit.

  1. Climate and Ecology action to be noted

Area Eco group are holding a Big Green Open day on the 30th of September in Beaminster.

More trees for planting will be available – contact Cllr. Childs

More hedge surveyors require – contact Cllr. Lovegrove.

Still awaiting feedback from Dorset Council regarding charging stations.

  1. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.

Councillor elections are coming up in May 2024, details to follow.

Concerns raised over move to digital telephones from analogue.

  1. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be the 27th of November 2023 at Halstock Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9 pm

 Appendices available upon request to the Clerk.

Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783   



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