Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

Minutes for the Parish Council 7.30pm on Monday 25th July 2022

Councillors present: Elizabeth Southern (ES), Roger Hallett (RH), Dave Clary (DC), Nigel Clarke (NC), John White Hamilton (JWH), Richard James (RJ), Henry Lovegrove (HL), Grant Prior (GP), Deborah Childs (DCh), Debbie Rix (DR) and Jez Hodesdon (JH)

 Public period for comments on issues on the agenda

Bransford residents request for support towards resurfacing of parking area outside their properties was presented on their behalf by Cllr. James.

The issue raised was that the resurfacing costs charged to the residents by Magna should be offset as other people use this parking area when visiting the shop and by the fish and chip van. As this is a private parking area the PC is unable to contribute. However, we would support a request to Halstock Village Trust for a contribution towards the resurfacing work.  It was also suggested that a private parking notice may be one solution to deter future use of this parking area.

 Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison

Cllr. Penfold reported that there would be a consultation in the autumn regarding Libraries to ascertain if there are further uses that libraries could be used for.

There was concern over the reports of overnight parking in Dorset Council car parks  and the number of abandoned cars reported.

The 2021 census population details have now been released, there has been a 4% increase in the size of Dorset’s population. Further census information will be released over the following months.

Members also noted the Police report received from Alex Bishop PCSO.

His next surgery will be in the Community Room, Halstock on Thursday 11th August at 10.30. (A copy can be found on the Parish Council website or can be requested from the Clerk)

1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.

David Hallett – noted and accepted.

Cllr James declaration of interest declared  regarding item 7.3

 2. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 31st May 2022 (A).

Approved 11/11

 3.To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.

Approved 11/11,  Noted that Diana Staines is the PROW representative.

4. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (B) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (C)

 Statement noted and schedule approved 11/11

5. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal) TS/RH

 No maintenance issues have been reported in June or July for both the playground and Outdoor Gym

 5.1 – To discuss Fresh Air Fitness maintenance contract (verbal) ES

The new Quote for Maintenance was approved 11/11

    5.2 – No Dogs Allowed sign update

As agreed at the last meeting a ‘No dogs allowed’ sign has now been placed at the entrance to the playground.  RW to be asked to move it to the upper playground gate as the ban does not apply to the steps area..

It was also noted that the bin in the Corscombe playground, which is emptied by a volunteer, was reported to have been in a disgusting state, including dog poo bags.  Please can users of the playground respect the bin situation and wherever possible take rubbish home with them.   A  notice has placed on the Corscombe website.  Please note this is a no dogs allowed area and so should not be used for poo bags.

6. Highways and Rights of Way

6.1 To receive an update on replacement of stiles to gates (Verbal) Diana Staines/DCh.

 Report Noted and PROW group thanked for its efforts.

(A copy can be found on the Parish Council website or can be requested from the Clerk)

6.2 Update on fingerpost repairs –  (D) NC

Note no appendix D verbal report only. Approximately 15 finger posts have been identified in the parish which need some degree of repair. After an initial meeting with Roger Bond, to consider materials and costs, about £1000 is estimated to fully repair a post but it is possible to get a grant to cover up to 60% of the cost depending on meeting the relevant criteria.  It was agreed that the PC should move ahead with costing out the repair of the finger post outside the Quiet Woman (minimal repair needed) and the historic red fingerpost which needs major repair. Cllr Clarke was asked to give a written breakdown of estimated cost for these two fingerposts and ascertain the level of grant funding, and present a written report to a future meeting

 6.3 To note Green Pond Halstock update (verbal) TS/JH

Limited progress has been made in this area. Clerk to contact the owner of the field behind the Green Pond to check ownership.  A land registry search was approved.

6.4 To note and approve PROW costings for second phase of printing Walks guide (E) Diana Stains/DCh

Approved 11/11

7. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (F) TS/Planning group


Woodfold view application P/HOU/2022/04118

PC objection to this application is on the grounds that the application  represents an overdevelopment of the site which is disproportional to its location.

 7.1 Unauthorised dwellings update (verbal) TS/Planning group

 No response back from Enforcement.

7.2 Dorset Council planning response for enforcement (Verbal) TS

No response back from Enforcement.

 7.3 Update Planning Application WD/D/20/001239 – Land at Pondsmead Farm, Corscombe Road, Halstock – Construct Private Way, Bridge and Works Hardstanding (Retrospective). (verbal) TS/RJ

An appeal has been lodged regarding this application with in the designated 6 months. When the start date letter is forwarded to enforcement it will appear on the planning system and we will be able to make comment at that time.

8. To receive and note training update (Verbal) TS

    8.1  DAPTC Star Award for training


Cllr. James has completed new councillor training.

Cllr Hodesdon will complete new councillor training in September.

 9. o approve and adopt the Terms of Reference for the PROW Group

The Terms of reference as agreed by PROW was approved and adopted by the PC 11/11

Simon Dalton’s version of the PROW terms of reference was not approved.

10. Correspondence to be discussed and noted.

 10.1 Dorset Deserves Better update (Verbal) TS

       From 8th July Councils will be able to apply for a share of the new £180 million Brownfield Land Release Fund 2, which will be designed to transform disused urban areas into 17,600 new homes and create around 54,000 jobs over the next 4 years.

Members expressed the hope that Dorset Council will apply for this funding to support the development of its brownfield sites in Dorset.

10.2 Defibrillator request for West Chelborough, contribution for funding (verbal ) TS

The PC will need a full costing, location etc. before a decision regarding grant funding can be made. Clerk to liaise with First Responders.

10.3 CIL (G) TS

 Dorset Council was approached regarding (CIL) payments.

The way the CIL works is that the parish where CIL liable development takes place, will receive 15% or 25% if they have a neighbourhood plan, of the CIL money paid. Dorset Council automatically transfers any money due to a parish twice a year, in April and October.

10.4 To note DAPTC update regarding changes to law relating to the Local    Government Disqualification  Act 2022 (H)


10.5 Defibrillator signs Halstock (verbal) TS

Now in place , glowing arrow still to be put up.

10.6 Fox Inn – asset of Community Value scheme (Verbal) HL

Concern raised regarding potential use of Fox Inn now the Pub has been closed by Mr Hix. The PC has looked at Community Value Scheme which does not seem to apply in this case.  It is hoped that Mr and Mrs Harvey who own the lease will look at options to open the pub soon.  It is recognised as an important community asset.

 11. Climate and Ecology emergency action to be noted

11.1 Update on Dorset Green living and other environmental initiatives. (Verbal) ES/DCh

Nothing to report

11.2 Academic survey – wind turbines on Rampisham Down (I)

The initial survey report has been circulated to Councillors.  The PC supports this initiative and will monitor its progress.

 12. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.

To note that a DAPTC survey concerning its meeting formats has been completed and the PC has expressed a preference for Zoom meetings.

13. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be Tuesday the 27th of September 2022 7.30pm at Corscombe village Hall.

 Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 891068                  



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