7.30pm on Tuesday 17th of  May 2022 – Corscombe Village Hall

Draft Minutes

15 members of the public were present as well as Tessa Safadi (Parish Council Clerk) and Parish Councillors Debbie Rix, Henry Lovegrove, Roger Hallett and Elizabeth Southern

Councillor Henry Lovegrove chaired the meeting which opened at 7.30pm and ended at 8.30pm.



Paul Barrow and Councillor Deborah Childs


The draft minutes  were read out and approved.

Proposed Rosemary Lovegrove and seconded Freya Booth


There were no maters arising.


This was read out by the chairman. See appendix 1 attached.  The Parish Council was congratulated on the work they had undertaken over the last year.


Reports were presented from;

Book Club – the book club has a full complement of readers at the moment and there is a waitlist.  However, please do contact Liz North or Paula Bowles as there may well be scope to set up a second book club group.

Village Hall –  There are still plans to look for a new village Hall site.  Bookings are increasing as we come out of Covid lock downs.

Babylon Morris –  There is nothing to report as last year there were no sessions due to Covid.  However, they hope to regroup in September and are planning a New year Dance.

Cricket club – The Cricket Club has now folded and the parish was asked to think about whether we should keep the lease on the land going (was due for renewal in April), if the Montefiore trust agrees. There was concern raised over rental and maintenance costs especially as much of the ground’s equipment has now been sold.  However, there was also support for the Fest fund to be used to extend the lease for a year and cover maintenance to give the parish time to consider future uses for the land, such as the Village Fete which may be resurrected to replace the Corscombe Fest.  It was agreed that Rob Fear would look into the leasing options and speak to the Montefiore trust.

The Parish council said they would not be looking to take on the leasing of the field.

First Responders – Regards on-going activities into 2023: We continue to provide local and wider ranging support as and when we are able, given the small number of qualified Volunteer Responders we currently have on the books.  Looking to  work with the Southwest Ambulance Service Foundation Trust again to reinstate specific village training events.  New First responders are  always welcome.

Yoga – Regular yoga classes have restarted after a gap due to Covid.  The classes are of mixed ability and are held on Monday evenings.  New people  with or without experience are always welcome. Speak to Natasha Hope.

Church yard maintenance – there is a need to keep on top of the maintenance and they would like more volunteers.  Contact Paul Rendell if you would be willing to spare a few hours to help maintain the church yard.

Bell ringing has recently started again despite issues with Jackdaws in the tower.  There may be scope to link with Halstock bell ringers who no longer have a group.

 Where available written reports can be viewed by requesting copies from the Clerk Tessa Safadi  Tel. 01935891068


The Jubilee celebrations are rapidly approaching.  A group will meet on Tuesday the 24th at 7.30 pm in the village hall to make arrangements for setting up the events.  Several attendees volunteered but it would be lovely to hear from others in the village who would like to help out.

There will be a group Jubilee photo and the possibility of aerial photos via drone would also be explored.  There will be a Jubilee Pudding Competition which will be judged by Mark Hix.  1st prize a Meal for two at the Fox Inn and 2nd a signed cookbook.  There may be scope to open this to include a children’s and adults’ competition.  All puddings to be shared at the picnic.

It was agreed that there would be a Jubilee scarecrow trail though the village, covering the Jubilee weekend Friday to Sunday. Henry and Rob Fear will organise the Bar on Sunday.

The Jubilee tree (Cherry) has been planted in the playground and a date for unveiling the Jubilee Queens Canopy plaque will be arranged.

Watch out for leaflets through doors and do check out the Corscombe website (, Facebook and Twitter for updates.


There was a question raised about the future of the Corscombe Fest/ village fete.  This would be looked at in September for 2023.  There are no plans for this year.

There is a need to encourage new comers to the village to take an active part in village activities and events.  It would be lovely to see new members joining  organisations like the Village Hall committee.

Appendix 1.



  1. This has been a very busy year for the Council, complicated initially by the impact of Covid 19, which amongst other things meant an extra physical meeting in June 2021 to approve the decisions of a previous Zoom meeting.
  2. The Council was shocked to lose its vice chairman Katharine Singleton-Smith in a tragic farming accident and erected a bench on Common Lane in her memory.
  3. It however succeeded in coopting new members to replace Katharine and other departing members so currently has a full complement of Councillors.
  4. The appointment of Tessa Safadi as clerk has proved to be very successful. She has now started training for the clerk’s professional CiLCA qualification.
  5. The council now has migrated to internet banking which will make banking operations much more efficient, particularly now its former bank the TSB has closed local branches.
  6. The Council erected an adult gym at the Corscombe Playground, and cleared and seeded the scrub area, and organised a working party to plant a new hedge there.
  7. It also provided Speed Gates at the entrances to Halstock and an additional grit bin at Merrylands.
  8. The Council tried and failed to address the traffic problems of speeding through Halstock and long vehicles using Court Lane, Corscombe.
  9. It responded to consultations on Dorset Council car parking, the proposed Dorset National Park, parish council area restructuring, and the Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency and Local Plans. It signed up to the Dorset Deserves Better campaign objecting to certain aspects of the Dorset Local Plan.
  10. Financially the Council reached a milestone when millennium loans taken out to help the Halstock Community Room and Corscombe Village Hall were finally paid off, which enabled it to avoid increasing the 2022/23 precept.
  11. Finally, two recent initiatives for the benefit of its residents. Firstly, supporting the production of free Walking Guides for the area, produced by the Public Rights of Way Group.  And secondly the planting of trees, with official plaques, at Halstock and Corscombe to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Henry Lovegrove, Chairman

May 2022


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