Agenda for the Parish Council Annual meeting
7.30pm on Tuesday 31st May 2022
Corscombe Parish Hall
Public period for comments on issues on the agenda
Any parishioner wishing to comment on agenda issues can do so by informing the Clerk (contact details below).
- To receive apologies
- To agree the election of Chairman
- To agree the election of Vice Chairman:
- To agree the election of the 3rd and 4th member of the Staff Working Group
- To note the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 4th May 2021 (Appendix A).
- Members’ attendances 2021/2022 (Appendix B)
- Chairman’s Report 2021/2022 (Appendix C)
- To note reports from representatives (Verbal)
- To appoint representatives for 2022/23 (Appendix D)
- Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
- Review of the Council’s Complaints Procedure.
- Review of polices in respect of obligations under the freedom of information and data protection legislation (see Data Protection and Privacy Policy and updated publication policy).
- To adopt a Council policy for dealing with the press/media. (E)
- Review of Asset Register.
- Confirmation of insurance arrangements.
- Review of subscriptions to other bodies.
- Review of delegation arrangements and terms of reference of;
- Staff Working Group
- Public Rights of Way Group
- Review of the Council’s employment policies and procedures.
- Review of s137 expenditure incurred during 2021/22.(Vebal)
- To note the Parish Council meeting dates and venues 2022/23 (Appendix F)
Note: Any Documents not shown as an appendix can be found on the Parish Councils website or can be requested from the Clerk.
Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 891068