Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

Agenda for the Parish Council meeting 7.30pm on
27th November 202

Meeting to be held at Halstock Village Hall.

Call for councillors to attend the November  Parish Council Meeting.

The Public and Press are cordially invited to attend.


  1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest. 
  1. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 26th September 2023 (A) 
  1. To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda. 

Public period for comments on issues on the agenda

Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison 

  1. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (B) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (C) 
  1. To note addition of new signatory TS 
  1. To approve the 2024-2025 Budget and Precept (D) 


  1. Resolution to approve the draft 2024-2025 budget
  2. Resolution that the end year earmarked reserves be as shown. 
  3. Resolution that the precept for 2024/2025 be set at £20,000 
  1. Highways and Rights of Way

7.1  Update on request to Dorset Council re  speed signage Mill Corner Corscombe TS 

7.2 Salt bins update TS 

7.3 PROW report  (E) D Staines 

7.4 Sewage Works and Common Lane (Verbal)  ES 

7.5 Speed watch  – purchase of a Bushnell Handheld Radar Gun for the Speed watch team. (Late addition J)  T. Hill 

  1. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (F) TS 

8.1 Enforcement update (verbal) TS 

  1. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal) TS 
  1. To receive and note training update (Verbal) TS 
  1. To approve the adoption of the Armed Forces Covenant (G) 
  1. To approve the adoption of the Civility and Respect Pledge (H)  
  1. Correspondence to be discussed and noted. (Verbal) TS 
  1. Climate and Ecology action to be noted

14.1 Brief report on the AONB forum (Verbal) DCh 

14.2 Selection of bare root native trees for distribution in the parish.(Verbal) DCh 

  1. Flood Warden Programme for Corscombe (Verbal) DR 
  1. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting. 
  1. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be the 30th of January 2024 at Corscombe Village Hall. 
  1. Resolution to exclude members of public for items 20 due to commercial sensitivity of the following discussion 
  1. Resolution to exclude members of public for items 21 due to confidential nature of the following discussion 
  1. Staff working group report on the proposal for the update of the Corscombe playground. (I) ES 

To ratify the staff working groups choice of  supplier for new playground equipment. 

  1. Clerks Pay award 2023/2024 

To ratify the Nalc pay scale published for 2023/2024 backdated to April 

Appendices available upon request to the Clerk. 

Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783      

