Corscombe, Halstock and District Parish Council

Agenda for the Parish Council 7.30pm on Monday 28th November 2022

Meeting to be held at Halstock  Village Hall.

Call for councillors to attend the November Parish Council Meeting.

The Public and Press are cordially invited to attend.

Public period for comments on issues on the agenda

Reports from Dorset Council Councillor and Police Liaison

1. To receive and accept apologies and declarations of interest.

 2. To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 27th September 2022 (A).

 With respect to minute 10 a parishioner has suggested that the proposal for

£100 to be made available for village hall hire and publicity material to kick start a bulk household PV scheme was invalid as it was not specified in the meeting agenda. As it is not absolutely clear that budgetary provision had been made for this expenditure it is recommended that:

  • The Council ratifies its decision to make £100 available for this purpose.
  • In the Council budget, the expression “devolved services s137” be changed to “non grant expenditure s137” so that such an eventuality is avoided in future.

 3. To discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered in this Agenda.

 4. To note the statement of expenditure to date and bank reconciliation (B) and to approve the schedule of payments since the last meeting. (C)

 5. To approve the 2023/24 budget and precept (D)


  1. The proposed budget be approved
  2. That the end year earmarked reserves be as shown.
  3. That the precept for 2023/24 be set at £18,000

 6. To note/receive a maintenance update for the playground and outdoor gym (Verbal) TS/RH

7. Highways and Rights of Way

 7.1 Update on fingerpost repairs and grants –  (verbal) NC

7.2 To note PROW report (E)

7.3 To note condition of Lids on salt bins Adams Green Hill and propose remedial action to rectify.

8. To consider and note planning applications and decisions. (F) TS/Planning group

 8.1 Unauthorised dwellings update (verbal) TS/Planning group

 9. To receive and note training updates (Verbal) TS

 10. To consider taking ownership of the AED programme for defibrillator provision in the parish – see paper from the Corscombe & Halstock First Responders (CHFR) (G)

11. To consider applying to the British Heart Foundation for a half price defribrillator for installation at West Chelborough or Halstock village hall – see email from CHFR (H)

12. Correspondence to be discussed and noted.

12.1 River Portland obstruction update (Verbal) TS

12.2  Bransford parking letter to Magna housing.

 (verbal) TS

 13. Climate and Ecology emergency action to be noted

 13.1 Update on environmental initiatives. (Verbal) HL

 14. To consider urgent matters to report from members and items for the next meeting.

 15. Date of next Parish Council meeting will be Tuesday the 31st of January 2023 at Corscombe Village Hall.

Clerk to the Council: Tessa Safadi, Tel: 01935 579783                  

