Explanation of variances – pro forma

Name of smaller authority: Corscombe Halstock and district parish council

Please provide full explanations, including numerical values, for the following:

  • variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (except variances of less than £200);
  • a breakdown of approved reserves if the total reserves (Box 7) figure is more than twice the annual precept/rates & levies value (Box 2).


Section 2

2020/2021 2021/2022 Variance £ Variance %  Detailed explanation of variance with amounts £
Box 2

Precept or Rates and Levies

18500 19000 500 2.63 Not required
Box 3

Total other receipts

948 6208 5260 84.7 Donation towards styles to Gates £1080

Donation towards Speed Gates  £2043.62

Grant Leisure development fund towards outdoor gym £1000

Common Lane donation £809.39

Donations other £498.95

Box 4

Staff costs

4896 5577 681 12.2 Not required
Box 5

Loan interest/ capital repayments

1554 777 777 100 Final payment of Public works Loan £777.10
Box 6

All other payments

8786 20038 11252 56.2 Outdoor Gym equipment £8678.16

Increased training expenditure + CILCA training £1210

Speed gates £5116.36


Box 9

Total fixed assets & long term investments & assets

13548 25471 11923 46.8 Purchase of outdoor gym equipment, grit bins and commemorative bench and speedgates
Box 10

Total borrowings

759 0 NIL NIL Payment of loan


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