Terms and Reference and Delegation Scheme


Members of the Parish Council meet bimonthly, to which members of the public and press are welcome to attend. Meetings are run in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders. The meetings cover all aspects of the parish; financial, planning and governance aspects of the Council

1. Decision Making

The Full Council can take all decisions on behalf of the Parish Council, or it may appoint one or more committees for the purpose of discharging any of its functions.

This document sets out the Terms of Reference and delegated Authority of the Parish Council.

2. Matters to be Resolved Only by Full Council

  • To approve the Annual Budget and the Precept.
  • To approve the End of Year Accounts and Annual Governance and accountability Return.
  • To receive and sign off the Annual External Audit and Return.
  • Adoption of new policies.
  • To maintain Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
  • To maintain the Council’s other Policy Documents.
  • To review annually the Council’s Risk Assessment.
  • To determine the functions and constitution (terms of reference and delegated authority) of Committees and Working Groups.
  • To determine the Committee structure annually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
  • To appoint representatives on outside bodies annually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting and fill vacancies that occur during the year.
  • The setting up of Working Groups (including the Committee to which they should report).
  • To set the Calendar of Meetings of the Council and its Committees.
  • To fill vacancies occurring on any Committee or Full Council.
  • To approve the borrowing of money and loan applications.
  • To award Contracts following a Tendering Process. To deal with matters that do not fall within the province of any Committee and such other matters as may be referred to the Full Council by a Committee.

3. Clerk

According to section 4.5 of the Parish Council financial regulations . “In cases of extreme risk to the delivery of council services, the clerk may authorise revenue expenditure on behalf of the council which in the clerk’s judgement it is necessary to carry out. Such expenditure includes repair, replacement or other work, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of [£500]. The Clerk shall report such action to the chairman as soon as possible and to the council as soon as practicable thereafter.”

4. List of Parish Council Working Groups

  • Planning Group
  • Rights of Way group (PROW)
  • Staff working Group


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