Minutes of the Parish Council meeting on
Monday 27th April 2020
Meeting by email correspondence due to coronavirus movement restrictions imposed 23.3.20
These restrictions are regarded as superseding the previous law on the necessity for physical presence of members at meetings, in order to continue to perform the Council’s business.
Public period for comments on issues on the agenda: none
Report from the Dorset Council Councillor: none received
- To receive and accept apologies: John White Hamilton and Jo Vassie sent apologies.
- Declarations of interest: a declaration of interest was received from Councillor Lovegrove as detailed below in item 7.
- To approve the Minutes of meeting 30.03.2020: Minutes approved 7 in favour 2 abstentions.
- To confirm the co option of new Councillors: Elizabeth Southern (Corscombe) and David Hallett (Halstock) – cooptions confirmed.
- To note the resignation of Freda Hennessey as Parish Councillor and advertisement of post for new clerk.
To agree payment to Councillor Lovegrove regarding clearance
work on playground; Agreed 9 votes in favour
- To agree for insurance purposes licence on land of Open Space on Common Lane owned by Henry and Rosemary Lovegrove (‘landowners’) and Corscombe, Halstock & District Parish Council (licensee): Agreed Votes 9 in favour
8. To agree details of grant payments as detailed below:
- Nordcat £250
- Sticklands School £410 (enough for 2 benches)
- Corscombe PCC £183 (the balance).
Agreed: Votes 9 in favour
9. To agree the recommendation of report regarding possible breach of planning rules : Agreed Votes 9 in favour however assurances had been received within the deadline that planning permission will be sought, so no action is required at this stage.
- To note the report of the Staff Working Group: report noted
- To agree new bank signatories as follows:
- Katharine Singleton-Smith
- Roger Hallett
- Grant Prior
Agreed: Votes in favour 9
- Urgent matters None reported
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 26 May 2020 by email correspondence due to coronavirus movement restrictions imposed 23.3.20. Please submit any Agenda items with reports and recommendations to the clerk by Friday 15th May.